Friday, July 4, 2014

Dealing With a Low Mood

I need this image's message in my life today, feeling a bit down. Progress is slow and tedious in pretty much all areas I'm hoping to improve and I feel like I keep making stupid mistakes. I don't feel especially beautiful or smart or magical today, that's for sure. My heart hurts. But, you know what, that's okay too. Some days are just like that and, as the image says, I'm doing the best I can. The most important thing is to wake up tomorrow with a renewed sense of spirit.

Also, this article is really helping - Breaking the Low Mood Cycle :).

A Few More Interesting Links:

Sunday, June 22, 2014

What Do You Really Desire?

Hello again! I apologize for the lack of updates, I just finished up participating in an academic institute that's been taking up most of my time. I'm definitely going to go ahead and give myself a gold star for doing reasonably well on my goals these past two weeks though! I haven't been near perfect but I've been moving, having fun, getting things done, AND reading and working a bunch for this institute so I'm pretty proud of that :).  All that said, however, now that this is done I really need to get back on track with things like candidacy reading and regular exercise!

I'm really loving the work of Carolyn Elliott right now, and her (free!) 7 part newsletter (which you can sign up for on her website) about taking the first steps to, as she says, "go deep and get BIG magically," which I started getting the other day, has been really inspiring already. Action #2 is to "get vulnerable" by identifying the things that you really want, ranging from the grand to the trivial.

No. But this book is awesome.
This is harder than you might think - we're trained to believe that we can't have what we really want, that we want certain "approved," "secure" things, that it's better to settle. This is all ridiculous! So she says to ask yourself -

What do I want so much that it scares me? What do I want even though it kinda hurts to want it?

It's harder than you might think to admit these truths to yourself. Here are a few of the things I came up with (in no particular order) - 

  • When I was in high school I was obsessed with this quotation from the film Shakespeare in Love: "I will have poetry in my life. And love. Love above all else. Unbiddable, ungovernable, like a riot in the heart." I still want this, in all the ways it's possible to want it. I want the poetry and love of the world all around me - together they make the magic I know is out there. I want the poetry of rain, of animals, of city streets, and wind in my hair. I want romantic love, family's love, friendship's love, passionate love, quiet love, and creative love. I want it all.
  • I want to remember the magic of the everyday every single day. I want to remember to feel it all around me, to let it flow through me, to breathe it in.
  • I want to write the stories and poems that I want to read - I have so many ideas, so many unfinished poems and just started stories, even a novel in progress. I know I can finish them and I know it's important that I do.
  • I want to share my life with animals, always.
  • I want to be the kind of professor my mentor in undergrad was - to do the kind of research I love and publish books on it, to write creatively as well, to inspire students to do what they love and show them the coolest things I know of that pertain to that love. I want people to read my bio on a school's website and think "man, she's really doing fantastic stuff!"

:). So there's a bit of my own soul laid bare. What things do you really really want?

I also really really recommend the essays she has up on her website. I linked to one she posted at The Rebelle Society the other day but they're all more than worth reading!

So here's to going deep and embracing the magic :).

A Few Interesting Things To Share:

The Critical Importance of Kindness

Free Cookbook Teaches You How to Be Healthy on $4/Day
12 Minute Athlete
45 Acts of Kindness

Again, thanks for reading - it really helps and motivates me to know there are people out there following this journey!

Friday, June 6, 2014

Good Things, Not So Good Things, Moving Forward

As assumed, some things have been going better than other things as I really get going starting this process - that's okay though, it's meant to be that way! You can't expect everything to change overnight but, that said, there have been a lot of good things!

Good Things -
  • I walked a ton the past couple days (well, a ton for me!)
  • When I did do a good job with food, I did a very good job (including finding this awesome new breakfast restaurant called The Angry Baker)
  • Spent wonderful time with my boyfriend and one of my best friends (and have plans to do so more this weekend!)
  • Have been easing in well to getting up earlier again (and staying awake)
  • Have had some nice bonding time with critters
  • Acquired some healthier food options to have around the house (and have been eating them!)
  • Side note: Gala apples are pretty much the best thing ever.
  • Have been tracking my food relatively well 

Not So Good Things -
  • I have not been reading as much as I need to and that's a problem that needs to be fixed asap. I need to get back on the ball with this. Back on the ball with work just generally too. 
  • Haven't been able to do much artistically (but have made plans to do so!)
  • I totally ate pizza and ice cream. Bah.
  • Haven't been getting to bed as early as I'd like but I'm working on it
  • Had two pretty terrible headaches within the past few days... I'm not sure what to make of that. That doesn't help with getting things done though, that's for sure. 

At the Kroger today, they had little rose plants with trellises on sale for only $4 so I got one and brought it back home with me. I don't have the best track record with plants (I had a similar rose plant in undergrad and it sadly perished pretty quickly) but I have high hopes for this one!

Isn't she pretty? Please keep your fingers crossed for her ;).

There's something about having flowers inside that I just love so much. I'm always buying bouquets and things because they really just cheer me up instantly. It's something quite magical and soul-filling for me. I love dried flowers too, so those bouquets come in handy! Like I said though, this is my first attempt in a long time to keep a living plant. One thing I've noticed for sure is that it really smells amazing in here now because of it! The scent is much stronger. I love the color too... most people wouldn't guess it (as I'm far more likely to wear darker colors) but I have a not-so-secret love for hot pink :).

My next adventure today will be this:

It says for beginners but we'll see...!

A Few Interesting Things To Share:
7 Traits of Magical People
Better Than Coffee: Morning Routine for All-Day Energy and Clarity
How I Finally Lost 75 Pounds (After Failing for Years)
The 2014 Columbus Festival Season

Thanks for reading, more soon!

Monday, June 2, 2014

The Plan

Hello and thanks for coming to read :). My name is Brittany and I've started this blog mostly in order to hold myself accountable for my goals - I am determined that this is going to be my summer (and hopefully longer) of transformation: of beauty, wellness, and magic.  

As I see it, there are five areas of my existence that need to work together to create the beautiful, passionate, amazing life I want for myself: work, exercise, food and wellness, spirituality, art, and (most importantly) love and connection.

My work revolves around the fact that I am a PhD student in English and Folklore and that definitely takes up a lot of my time - you can read more about all that on my more professional website and blog, linked above. I love it and it's absolutely worth it but that doesn't mean that I should let the rest of the areas slide. Exercise and food/wellness have probably been the areas to suffer the most for me and I want to work on getting back to a healthier lifestyle. I want to work on eating better things, on being more mindful of the environment, on incorporating the aspects of herbalism and alternative medicine I've been reading about for years. I know it's possible and I am making it happen, starting this summer.

The last three areas - spirituality, art, and love/connection are areas that I do tend to give at least a little attention to but I want to dedicate more conscious effort into all three of them to make them even better. Last summer I really focused on spirituality and I am so grateful that I did - my life is so much better for it. I want to continue exploring that side of myself. Love and Connection is simply my name for the area involving spending time with loved ones of all sorts. As far as the Art area goes, I would really like to dedicate more time to the things that I love to do in that area. I want to work on my creative writing, pick up that dusty guitar, work on all the crafts I've been thinking about, and make more jewelry for Ashes of Roses Designs. Another aspect I consider part of my artistic expression is my love of fashion and design - my particular, dark faerie aesthetic that I love so much. 

So, as far as this summer of transformation is concerned, this means that the following things need to be balanced:

I. Work
    a. Candidacy Exam Reading
My PhD candidacy exam is in the fall, which means that this absolutely must take priority as this summer is my only opportunity for getting the bulk of this work done. Luckily it can sometimes be a lot of fun, my reading lists are pretty fantastic :). You can check out my academic interests at my professional website if you want but let's just say it involves much magic!  
    b. Journal Submission Revision
    c. Conference Proposals, Etc. (one down already!)
    d. Book Reviews (2)

II. Exercise
    a. Yoga
    b. Walk/Running
    c. Biking
    d. Gym - strength training, machines, track, etc.

III. Food & Wellness
    a. Fit Meals
Yes, I feel like I should admit (to myself even) that this does mean that I hope to lose weight. Not to conform to some ridiculous societal standard of beauty but rather to become more healthy, to get stronger, to be able to DO more. To look in the mirror and see true beauty, true strength. To have more energy, better concentration and mood, and a better sleep schedule as well. I'm not at a healthy weight for me and I know it - grad school will do that to you. However, I know I can be there again. 
    b. Healthy Snacks
    c. Vitamins
    d. Appropriate amounts of sleep
Some of you may know that I've struggled with this in various ways over the past couple years and it's only recently been getting better. I want to continue this trend!
IV. Spirituality
    a. Meditation
    b. Growth - Journaling, Reading, etc.
    c. Practice

IV. Art
    a. Creative Writing
    b. Guitar
    c. Crafts - Jewelry Making, etc.
    d. Fashion & Design

V. Love and Connection
    a. Giving, Quality Time with Family, Friends, Boyfriend
    b. Time with Animals
    c. Time in/with Nature
    d. Being True to Myself and My Own Happiness


Easier said than done, right? Okay, so here's the plan:

  • Wake up at 6AM
  • Have a mindful morning and get dressed with intention
  • Work (as much like a normal job as possible, leave the house)
  • Eat healthy meals and snacks
  • Do at least one exercise related thing every day
  • Do at least one spirituality AND/OR art thing every day
  • Be in bed By 11PM at the latest
And, of course, everyday be kind, be kind, be kind and make the love in my life the best it can be.

[Weekends are "off" but I'm going to try to still be good!]


That actually sounds... doable, no? I think so. And that's why I'm going to hold myself accountable for it using this blog. I'll post about my progress, my inspirations, my setbacks, my style, the beauty and magic I find in my world, and more. I'll obviously still have my "official" blog for school and writing stuff but I feel like it's probably a good idea to keep a separate space for this :).  

The plan officially starts Monday June 2nd, 2014 - today! I'm hopefully on the right track already - I went for a walk last night and made myself a delicious salad. I wasn't able to get up at 6AM this morning but I made it by around 8AM and figure that that's something I'm going to have to get used to again - I was doing pretty well with it last semester (and it was really great!) but I went home for a while and sadly got out of the habit. I had a delicious, healthy breakfast and morning with my boyfriend, worked on putting the finishing touches on this blog, and am now going to go on a walk and find a new place to get some reading done. Wish me luck! :).